HTTP response status codes indicate whether a specific HTTP request has been successfully completed. When running applications on MedStack Control, it can be helpful to understand how response codes relate to parts of the stack managed by MedStack and those managed in the application.
The chain of responsibility
In the chain of responsibility, the application layer sits on top of MedStack, which sits on top of the cloud provider. As traffic routes through the load balancer, requests to services that are misconfigured may occur with the following response codes.
Common response codes
Other response codes
If a service is responding with a different code, you can learn more about the response in the following resource:
HTTP response code look up table
For quick reference, here is a list of HTTP response codes.
RFC 7231 HTTP/1.1 Semantics and Content June 2014
| Code | Reason-Phrase | Defined in... |
| 100 | Continue | Section 6.2.1 |
| 101 | Switching Protocols | Section 6.2.2 |
| 200 | OK | Section 6.3.1 |
| 201 | Created | Section 6.3.2 |
| 202 | Accepted | Section 6.3.3 |
| 203 | Non-Authoritative Information | Section 6.3.4 |
| 204 | No Content | Section 6.3.5 |
| 205 | Reset Content | Section 6.3.6 |
| 206 | Partial Content | Section 4.1 of [RFC7233] |
| 300 | Multiple Choices | Section 6.4.1 |
| 301 | Moved Permanently | Section 6.4.2 |
| 302 | Found | Section 6.4.3 |
| 303 | See Other | Section 6.4.4 |
| 304 | Not Modified | Section 4.1 of [RFC7232] |
| 305 | Use Proxy | Section 6.4.5 |
| 307 | Temporary Redirect | Section 6.4.7 |
| 400 | Bad Request | Section 6.5.1 |
| 401 | Unauthorized | Section 3.1 of [RFC7235] |
| 402 | Payment Required | Section 6.5.2 |
| 403 | Forbidden | Section 6.5.3 |
| 404 | Not Found | Section 6.5.4 |
| 405 | Method Not Allowed | Section 6.5.5 |
| 406 | Not Acceptable | Section 6.5.6 |
| 407 | Proxy Authentication Required | Section 3.2 of [RFC7235] |
| 408 | Request Timeout | Section 6.5.7 |
| 409 | Conflict | Section 6.5.8 |
| 410 | Gone | Section 6.5.9 |
| 411 | Length Required | Section 6.5.10 |
| 412 | Precondition Failed | Section 4.2 of [RFC7232] |
| 413 | Payload Too Large | Section 6.5.11 |
| 414 | URI Too Long | Section 6.5.12 |
| 415 | Unsupported Media Type | Section 6.5.13 |
| 416 | Range Not Satisfiable | Section 4.4 of [RFC7233] |
| 417 | Expectation Failed | Section 6.5.14 |
| 426 | Upgrade Required | Section 6.5.15 |
| 500 | Internal Server Error | Section 6.6.1 |
| 501 | Not Implemented | Section 6.6.2 |
| 502 | Bad Gateway | Section 6.6.3 |
| 503 | Service Unavailable | Section 6.6.4 |
| 504 | Gateway Timeout | Section 6.6.5 |
| 505 | HTTP Version Not Supported | Section 6.6.6 |